Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Syndicate Assembly Week 5

 ICAS Science
·      The ICAS Science test will be held on Wednesday in Room 16 at 11am

CZ Cross Country
·      Cross-country training continues (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).  Make sure you come to the trainings if you are in the Central Zone team
·      CZ Cross Country event is next Tuesday (pp. Thursday)

Peer Mediators
·      You are doing a great job!  There will be a training at lunchtime on Wednesday

·      The reports are being written and you will receive them at the end of this term.

·      The Naenae pool is closed and this means that the season will officially start in Term 3

Kapa Haka
·      The Kapa Haka performance group will be performing in the evening of the last Wednesday of the term. A notice will go home this week.

CZ Football
·      There is still no date for the postponed Central Zone football tournament
·      Training for the Y5/6 Boys is on Wednesday and the Y5/6 Girls on Friday

·      There is still some work being done in the library so look out for the ‘Library Open or Closed sign’ each day

Howie Value awards: Excellence award

·      Congratulations to the following students…YOU ARE EXECLLENT!:  Angus Flynn, Molly Mathewson, Sophie Van Rooyen, Halina Smith and Lucy Dungan

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