Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Level 3 Introduction example

This week the students were given their 4 week homework task. Each part is broken down into different weeks. This week the students are expected to complete their introduction and photo page. As a class we started to create our introductions exploring what a level 3 introduction looks like (below). The level 3 introduction needs to answer the following questions.

  • What is a celebration?
  • Why do families, communities and cultures have celebrations?
  • Why is it important for people to celebrate in a range of different ways?
  • How do celebrations bring people together?

A celebration is a time when your family comes together to celebrate an important event.

Families, communities and cultures come together to celebrate because of their beliefs, for entertainment or to catch up with their family and friends.

It is important for people to celebrate in different ways because it is good to have variety and that way people can celebrate according to their personal beliefs.

Celebrations can bring people together because they are fun and are something a lot of people can celebrate despite any differences they might have.

Syndicate Assembly Week 5

Nau mai haere mai!  Welcome to Week 5!!  We are half way through the term.  Keep up the GOOD WORK

·      The disco on Friday night was awesome, you can see some pics on the class blogs
·      ENGARI…there was an issue with people losing money as well as some money being stolen.  REMEMBER Mr. Bird’s message, from the recent school assembly, about being responsible.  ALSO theft is a serious issue…if anyone knows anything about this please see Mr. McKay.

Junior area
·      A reminder...there are to be NO ‘running games’ played in or around the junior courtyard area.  If any Y5/6’s are found playing these games during break times, consequences will be applied immediately.

Tennis Competition in T4
·      Information about this competition is still to be confirmed

Dance Splash
·      The final practice will be this Thursday.
·      There is a ‘SchoolGen’ team meeting tomorrow.  Roles will be assigned.

CZ Hockey
·      Boys team practice on Wednesday, girls team practice on Thursday and both teams to attend a training on Friday

Library Awards
·      Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded the ‘Bronze Library Award’: Sophia Cave and Evie Wilson

HOWIE Value Awards
·      Well done to Sam R and Harry B for receiving ‘Self Confidence’ awards and Finn M for receiving the ‘Commitment’ award.