Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Syndicate Assembly Week 8

Syndicate Assembly

·      Camp was AWESOME!  From all accounts it was a fantastic experience for both students and parents.
·      A BIG thank you to all of our fulltime and day parents…you were FAB!
·      An encore performance of ‘On Direction’ can be found on Room 12’s classroom blog
·      A notice will come home, later this week, asking for interest in a camp DVD of photos
·      Camp books and pencil cases need to be returned to school
·      There has been a lot of lost property left at Forest Lakes Camp:
1 pair white puma shoes size 2
Blue Pillowslip (Main Camp)
Lightweight navy blue Mountain Pass raincoat
White and blue American college style jacket/hoodie with ‘68’ logo on it
Size 6 Glassons red and white top
Size 16 axle black and white rash top
Size small green hoodie – Named Pablo on tag
Fluorescent green belt
Blue sneakers Size 44 Marcs brand
Size 7 boys swimming togs black
1 head torch
A couple of pairs of socks
*If of any of these things are yours Forest Lakes Camp are happy to return them if you send a self addressed post paid bag to return them in (Forest Lakes Rd, Otaki North 5581).

DATE: Wednesday 27 March 2013
TIME: 10.30am -1.30pm (often finish early approx. 1.00pm)
10.30-10.40am Warm up time
10.45 First race
DEPART FROM SCHOOL: 9.30am                     
VENUE: Naenae Swimming Pool        

·      Touch Rugby
The finals will be held on Thursday.  Please contact Mr. Chadwick of you are unable to play on Thursday night.

·      Cricket
Training will be on Wednesday for the boy’s team and Thursday for the girl’s team.

Monday, March 25, 2013

On Direction

On the final night of camp, Thursday night, we had the 'Camp Concert'. All of the students performed their skits, which were brilliant, and then the parents did their skit 'Eastbourne Style' (based on the Gangnam Style song). 

We, the teachers, provided the finale for the concert with our 'On Direction' skit/video...'Live While We're Young'. We had so much fun making it.  

You might need to watch One Direction's original video for the song to really appreciate our video.  ENJOY!!!

Check out the video here: On Direction

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Syndicate Assembly Week 6

There seems to be a lot of rubbish being left on the field.  Make sure you put YOUR rubbish in the bin and pick any rubbish you see lying around the playground/field even if it’s not YOURS.

Trees around the field
Please look after the trees around the field!  Be the GAURDIANS!

 Capital E Arts Festival
The Y5-8 students will be going to 3 performances at the Capital E Arts Festival this Friday.  Check out the website: capital e

Fri 15 Mar 2013 10:00 AM
Sky Dancer
Fri 15 Mar 2013 11:30 AM
Down Beneath Below
Fri 15 Mar 2013 01:15 PM
The Man the Sea Saw

We will be traveling by bus to the festival.   The 3 parent helpers are Linda Monrad, Jane Woolley and Jane Humphries.

 Peer Mediators
Peer Mediation will begin the week after camp. 

Touch Rugby
There will be practices this week.  Listen out for the notices informing you of your training time during the week.

The girls and boys team training days and times for this week are yet to be confirmed.

An email, containing the gear list, will be sent to all families this week.  It’s time to start preparations for camp.

Cleanest class competition
The competition will run over the school term and at the end of each week Danish and Aijita (the cleaners) will check each classroom to see which room is the tidiest.  The tidiest classroom for that week will receive a certificate and the classroom with the most certificates over the competition period will win the school award for overall best cleaned classroom.

NZEI Union Meeting
There is a meeting for the teachers on Wednesday afternoon.  Make sure you know whether you are going home with your parents or if you need to stay at school until 2.55pm.

CARE certificate
Congratulations Ben Cass!  Ben received a ‘Citizenship' award for being a great support to another student during lunchtime.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Homework Week 5

Camp is almost here and it is going to require everyone to be brave, caring, determined etc. All of these are characteristics of being a hero.

What are you going to do at camp that could make you "a hero"? 
Post your answers on the comments below.

Syndicate Assembly Week 5


·      Inside @ morning tea and lunchtime
No one is to be inside without permission from a teacher!

·      Scooters and bikes
Scooters and bikes MUST be parked before school.  No riding around on the school grounds before OR after school.

·      Hats
A BIG thank you to all those who are their wearing hats in the playground.  Keep those ‘full brimmed hats” on!
·      Tidy classrooms and cloak bay
It is our responsibility to keep our classroom clean and tidy as well as our class cloak bay area.  Make sure you hang up your bags and things in the cloak bay AND pick up any rubbish on the floor.

·      Stealing
Some food has been going missing from people’s lunchboxes recently.  Make sure you respect other people’s property.

·      Trees around the edge of the field
There have been some issues with students who spend their time hanging out in the trees around the edges of the field.  If this persists we will have to ban certain students from these areas.

·      Milo Cricket
Cricket practice this week:
Y5/6 Girls @ lunchtime on Wednesday
Y5/6 Boys @ lunchtime on Friday
*Mr. McMillan has asked that you bring any cricket gear you have at home to the training

·      Touch Rugby
Touch trainings for the Y5/6 teams will be on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

·      Art club
Ms. Berry said that there has been some stunning art work from our Y5/6 students this term.

School Magazine
·      This term there will be an opportunity for students to be involved in the creation of a school magazine.  Mr. Chadwick and Ms. Berry will lead the project.  There will be a variety of roles for students to engage in as well as a chance for our writers to shine.  Watch this space!