Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Syndicate Assembly Week 2

 HOWIE Values
·      This term our focus will be on the following values: Integrity and Resilience

Boys and Girls writing classes
·      This week (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 11.30am-12.30pm) we will be having ‘Boys and Girls’ writing sessions.
Rm 14 & 15 girls with Mr. Chadwick
Rm 13 & 16 girls with Mrs. Borgonje
Rm 13 & 16 boys with Mr. McMillan
Rm 14 & 15 boys with Mr. McKay (Mrs. Niak)

Syndicate SPARKS
·      We continue with our ‘Syndicate SPARKS’ on Thursday.  It was great to see the enthusiasm and passion last week!

·      We start testing this week.  Make sure you give it your best effort!

·      This term we will be having a lot of visitors to enhance your learning e.g. Richie Hackney, Pedal Ready, Rapunzel show, Constable Julie etc.  Make sure you are ‘being the best you can be’ when they are here.

Jellies dance crew
·      Dance practice days and times are as follows: Monday and Wednesday at lunchtime in the hall.

MiSfiTS Tri-Squad (Y6-8)
·      Training days are Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes.  Meet in Room 16 at 12.30pm

Art Club
·      Art Club (Year 6’s) continues today.  Bring your lunch to Room 14 at 12.30pm

W.O.W (World of Waste)
·      The W.O.W trip last week was fantastic.

·      The Science SPARK group from Term 1 will get an opportunity to use their solar ovens next week.

Active Post Cricket
·      Training on Wednesday at lunchtime

·      Y5/6 interschool tennis championship on Tuesday

Production DVD
·      A notice will be coming home soon regarding the purchasing of a ‘Tall Tales’ DVD.


·      The school library will only be open for the next 3 weeks.  If you are working on your library award you need to make sure you are getting everything sorted before it closes.

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