This term we have been focusing on Uno’s Garden’s a picture book by Graeme Base.
Uno's Garden is a rich story that delivers a powerful message through both its words and pictures. The diversity and detail of the illustrations tells a complex story that provides an excellent starting point for children to start considering their impact on their environment and how this can be positive.
The main theme of the book is sustainability. Sustainability is keeping things the same as they are, so if you cut down a tree you then plant a tree to replace it.
The big idea for this terms unit Uno’s Garden is "to understand the need to protect and preserve our local environment”.For this inquiry I am going to explore eco housing concepts then design and explain an eco house of my own
Hopefully at the end of this inquiry I will have a better understanding of the different ways an eco-house can be environmentally friendly and how an eco-house can be constructed without the high cost.