Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

So far this week...

Having had an amazing camp experience the students have been back in the class for 2 days and so far they have:

  1. Researched more information about 3 explorers that all "discovered" NZ; Kupe, Abel Tasman and Captain Cook.
  2. Pretended to be a crew member on board one of the explorers boats/waka and written a letter to loved ones back home.
  3. Explored what it means to be a New Zealander.
  4. Started streamed Maths classes.
  5. Replied to another students letter to a loved one.
  6. And finally waded into the "NZ flag debate" by reading the following links and then designed our own flag to represent our country. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_flag_debatehttp://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11193964)

Whew!!! It's been a busy week so far with more planned to come!

Syndicate Assembly Week 6

Maths classes
·      Maths cross grouping classes will begin on Tuesday

·      Kapa Haka for all classes
·      Extension Kapa Haka group for those who are interested in performance
·      Syndicate SPARKS – these include: Sport, Visual Art, Drama, Science and Technology and ICT

Y4-8 Swimming Sports
·      This is to be held on Thursday at Huia Pool from 12pm – 2.30pm
FY5/6 Football Tournament
·      This will now go ahead next Wednesday.  There will be 3 teams representing Muritai School: Y6 Boys, Y6 Girls and Y5 boys team.  The Y5 boys will need to trial at lunchtime today

Boys Cricket
·      Training sessions to resume this week.  Keep an eye on the notices each morning for training days and times

·      The Y5 & 6’s will be organizing the ‘Jacket Drive’ again this year.  If you have any jackets, sweatshirts (including hoodies) and shoes that you no longer need, they would be greatly appreciated.

Ball games
·      Ball games that involve kicking need to be played on the field and NOT on the court areas.

Art Mural
·      Ms. Berry will be selecting a small team (6 students) to work on a ‘Mural’. If interested see Ms. Berry today.

Lost Property from camp
·      There is a lot of lost property from camp.  This will be brought around to each class today.