THURSDAY 5:00 PM: The storm begins to rain medium amounts.
FRIDAY 8:00 AM: The storm is now raining/hailing heavily.
FRIDAY 8:05 AM: I decide not to go to school because of weather.
FRIDAY 9:00 AM-ish: Mum checks email to see if school is cancelled, it is.
FRIDAY 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM: The storm is still raining/hailing heavily, I’m still playing on the computer.
FRIDAY 8:00 PM: The storm makes the power go out, Dad gets torches and candles.
FRIDAY 9:00 PM: Bedtime, The storm is still raging.
The next day at about 10:00 AM, Dad, Mum and I took a drive around Eastbourne. It was still very cold and windy but it wasn’t raining. There was lots of debris around the beaches and water was smashing up against the sea wall and even flowing onto the road where there wasn’t a sea wall. The only damage to my house was that my gate to muritai road fell down but that was falling apart anyway. We spent most of the rest of the day at home.
By Joshua
Version 1
The Wild Storm
It all started on Thursday the 20th of June and My Aunty Anna, Mum and I were sitting at the table having potato fritters and lemonade when the lights started to flicker my first thought was to get a couple of torches, candles and a box of matches my mum and my Aunty were in the middle of a conversation when the power went out. We all scrambled for torches and each other we were lucky because we were prepared. Mum thought the gas fire would stay on but it didn’t because it needs electricity to start and turn off. We waited half an hour to see if the electricity would come back on but it didn’t and we also started to get cold so we went to bed using candles. My Aunty was the first one in bed then it was me and then it was Mum. I had a really good night sleep because there was nothing making a noise like the fridge normally does. The next morning we had power and mum said the power came on at twelve thirty.
Overall we survived the storm.
By Bridget
The storm started last friday and ended on sunday. This horrendous rain storm tore down trees smashed up houses and left buildings powerless! Lots of trees fall down and debris was left everywhere. My friend suzie was affected by the trees falling down a huge tree fall down of her driveway so her dad had to try hard and lift it of her driveway. Tree branches snapped everywhere causing damage to things they landed on. The houses on the edge of days bay and the start of sunshine bay where smashed. One house had lovely french doors but because of the storm they were all smashed! Rubbish bins were thrown around like paper on the pavement and 160 kilowatts of wind smashed against houses. Power outages affected most of Eastbourne and stayed out until 1.00am. People used torches, candles and fires to see during the power outages. I hope you survived the storm!!!
By Sofya
The Horrendous Storm hits Wellington.
Boom! The lights. “What's happening,” shouts harry (my brother.)
We have had a power cut. “We are having a strom”said mum. Since we have gas we can cook. But people still say oh come over we have power. But mum said no. And we were fine.We had hot milo, tea and I read my book by candlelight.

On friday we found out that school was closed. so dad asked for a ride to work.We picked up the watkins who didn’t have power either. Mike took his car which was hannahs too, to work so they were car less too. Mum dropped off dad at work . Then she heard the road was closed to get into eastbourne...
To be continued
By Eva
The storm
Day 1
It was thursday 5.00 after school my mum,granddad,emma and i were on our way out of swimming lessons when it all happened.The wind was so strong trees were about to collapse and it was pouring down with rain i knew something big was going to happen.
my dad was on his way home with my aunty from the airport because she was here for a holiday and staying with us for a few nights.When they came home a few minutes after we started hearing strong wind gusts whistling around the house and through the chimney the trees were banging loudly against the house.My dog was petrified of all the noise she started jumping up on everyones laps and shaking.This went on for quite a while.
We were watching t.v when suddenly all the lights and power went out but luckily enogh we had some candles and torches set out.It took us a long time to settle down but finally we fell asleep.
Day 2
I woke up very early to the sound of the t.v and all the lights being on.After a while everyone woke up and we began our day.My mum had a text from the school saying school was off.Me and emma were invited to milly griffths house as me and emma were running through the school we could not belive all the destruction done to the trees.
A few hours later we decided to go for a walk along the waterfront at that time the wind was still very strong and cold so we went home to put some warmer clothes on.As we were making our way down there so much sand and debris scatterd along the wreck and rest of the road.millys dog pepper was off the leash most of the walk so at some points we were all very scared that one of the big waves was going
This was my first storm and it was extremely scary.
Grace version1!
I’m at ballet the lights keep flickering and the wind is blowing threw a crack in the window. Leaves are blowing around everywhere outside.
My Dad comes to pick me up at 8:00pm. We're on our way home a sign falls over and almost hits the car, we drive a bit further along the road, and we see that a big metal slide down door has almost blown of a building and is hanging by the edge. When we get to Point Howard we see and hear the huge waves crashing against the side of the road. We drive through big puddles.
When we get home the powers gone out and the only light is coming from the fire place. I run upstairs to my room and search under my bed for my torch. There is a leak in the wall and a puddle of water on the ground next to my bed.
I go up to my mum and Dad’s room, on the top floor, it stands on tall metal beams and is shaking from the strong wind. Down stairs it’s really noisy our huge windows are shaking and flexing.
We decide it’s too noisy to sleep upstairs so we bring our stuff downstairs to the spare room. There is only one window down here so it’s much quieter down here. Sadly I have to sleep on the floor on some cushions from the couch in my sleeping bag.
The next morning I wake up at 6:00am. I quickly run over to the light switch and flick it on nothing happens. So I go upstairs it’s still really noisy. Later Mummy gets a text saying school is closed.
Later on at lunchtime the power comes back on. We turn on the TV and watch to news. It shows house that have had their roofs ripped off and windows that have been smashed. It has been the worst storm since the Wahine Storm.
By Rosie Owles
The Wellington polar blast was a super destructive storm. It went for a week and it
Day 1
I was watching the news today when I heard there was a polar blast coming to Wellington. Today was just wind and rain that meant I couldn't go outside, so that was a boring day.
Day 2
Day 3
The deadly storm was now getting more dangerous. On the news it said the storm was showing damage. It was getting more violent there’s now incredibly strong winds and battering rain. No one can stop the storm now.
Day 4
Now Wellington is getting a real battering the road is flooded, The beach is ending up on the road, the Kaitaki was ripped from its railings, the road is closed at high tide the road is closed. the power has just gone out and anything near the sea would of wreaked.
Day 5
I was a little bit sad that it didn’t snow today but school was canceled so that made me happy. No one could believe the destruction but all the yucky stuff ie behind us now so that is good.
Day 6
Every Saturday sport was canceled so I was a little bummed. The storm was getting weaker but it is still making unthinkably weather to work in.
Day 7
Today was had a tiny amount of rain but in the afternoon was sunny.