This app is great for creative minds as it allows you to create your own animated movie. This app would be good for year 3's and up but this app may need adult help because it could be quite confusing.

Tap Tap 4 has good music and is good for getting the beat of a song. We rated it 9 out of 10 because it is quite easy to use as long as you know what to press.
If you love music then Tap Tap 4 is the app thats perfect for you. It's about memorizing the patterns and learning different songs. It's suitable for yr 3-8 and gets a 10 out of 10 because it is easy to use.
We thought it was fun and easy to use. I liked the music and thought there was good song choices. That is why we gave it a high rating (8 out of 10) and it is good for any year group.

We think that scribblenauts was fun and is good for all ages so long as you can spell. You need to be imaginative as well.
If you are an imaginative, creative and like humour then scribblenauts is perfect for you. We recommend this for years 2-7 as it is easy and great for kids.

We liked it because you could choose what characters said and what they sounded like. It is fun and quite easy to use. We thought that year 2 and up could use it but the year 2's might need adult help.

Toontastic is an awesome app. The purpose was to make a fun play. I recommend year 3 and up.
We gave Toontastic a 10 out of 10 because it was so much fun to get to make your own cartoon. We could choose our characters and setting, then we recorded it so it was just like a real show! It's suitable for all ages but the younger ones may need a little help in starting the game. We recommend it for people that want to make their own short movie with only a bit of guidance. Toontastic is awesome!!!
I think this app was fun to use and it was funny at times because your voice sounds different. Overall I really liked it, it was funny.