Today room 21 started off the day with talking about the day because today was going to be a mucky day all the maths class were jumbled up because there were not enough teachers. But the main aspect of the day was that a few year eights chose some year sevens and went down to the Eastbourne dunes and planted about 50 odd plants and we all thought it would of taken 2 hours but we managed to complete it in half a hour which blow away the adult helpers who started this thing up it was a great experience for the enviro- schools we learnt how to plant plants for a good cause and learnt about the blue penguins that the planting was for and luckily we got to see two in the rocks a bit earlier then usual and they were beautiful. Then it was interval.
After interval we again talked about our machines that can do homework and spent a little time on our next paragraph the parts. Then after doing that we went to the school library and brought our work if not finished which was most people. Then it was time for lunch time.
We did silent reading for a long time. Then the class had a chose if they could read there book or listen to Mr Chadwick read the current book its called “Bootleg” its about chocolate being band from the world by the “Good for you party”. Then we had a game we started off playing a game that room23 taught us then room22 came out for a game we played “King dodge ball” after awhile of playing that room23 came out and because room21 was winning of course the whole of room23 got sent into room22’s side and in the end room23 and 22 won because they hit the bin! Then it was time to go home and before we did finish of the day with our class duties.
By Harriet Walton