Today room 21 started off the morning with accuracy. We were learning how to put commas in the right place and what to use them for. We got into groups and each had a sheet of paper, we had to edit the paper together and put the commas in the right place and take out the unwanted words. Then we had maths, in maths we are learning perimeters, areas and volume.
After morning tea we started to do literacy, in this term for literacy we are learning how to right an explanation. We looked at two samples of writing and looked at what the good points were and what the bad points were of an explanation, then we had to rate that peice if work from one to five.
Next we had inquiry after lunch. In this term we are learing about take action for energy. We are learning about how it's used, what it's used for, how its made and the qualitys about it. As a class we started to group ideas about where energy was used in the classroom and what it was used for.Then the class grouped ideas about what we had just said and thought what was powered by other things, other than electricity. After that we looked round the school for items that used power and how often they were used. We had to go round and take pictures of the things. After, we packed up the class, did our duties and went home.