Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday 7th march

Yesterday we had our first art rotation. The things people did are as follows: dance, drama, song making, instrument making and clown school. These sessions happen around 1:30 to 2:45 and are great fun. We are going to have one activity for three weeks and then swap over to another arts group for the next three weeks and so on... We also started on our "record breaking attempts" where we have to write a report on something that we did that was amazing( made up of course). We will be working on these for the next week or so. We also had practice with patter tennis it was all great fun.

Friday 7th March

Yesterday the students of room 21's maths class participated in World Maths Day (www.worldmathsday.com) It was great to see so many enthusiastic students involved in challenging other students from around the world at basic facts. "It makes maths fun", "It's cool, fun, educational and addictive", "It's lots of fun challenging people from other countries" were some of the comments that I heard from students. Although the competition to reach 26 million right answers in 48 hours is over students can still access the site and compete against others till Sunday 16th March. ~ Mr Chadwick