Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Syndicate Assembly Week 10

·      Well done on your AMAZING performances last week.  You also demonstrated a lot of patience and showed a really positive attitude towards all aspects of the production process.  Absolutely stunning!

Final Week
·      This is the final week of the term.  It’s time to ‘finish off in style’.

Syndicate Sparks
·      We will be having ‘Syndicate Sparks’ in Term 4.  You will get an opportunity to choose your top 3 options this week.

Milo Cricket
·      Mr. McMillan is hoping to have cricket practice this week.  TBC

·      If you arrive at school after the bell in the morning make sure you go by the office and let Jo know you are at school.

Art Club
·      There will be a lunchtime Art Club in Term 4.  If you are interested, see Mrs. B

Touch Rugby
·      If you are still keen to play touch rugby in Term 4, get a notice from Mr. Ranchod ASAP….Y5/6 players needed.

Lost property
·      Need to find ‘homes’ for all the lost property
·      Look after your stuff!

Cloak Bay
·      The cloak bays need to be left in ‘pristine’ condition at the end of each day

HOWIE Value awards…congratulations to the following students:
·      Self Confidence:  Francisca Z, Oscar Z, Angus F
·      Commitment: Evie W, Nina O, Henry BR

Mr. Bird
·      Really impressed with the Y5/6 group…it has been a great term!

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