- Researched more information about 3 explorers that all "discovered" NZ; Kupe, Abel Tasman and Captain Cook.
- Pretended to be a crew member on board one of the explorers boats/waka and written a letter to loved ones back home.
- Explored what it means to be a New Zealander.
- Started streamed Maths classes.
- Replied to another students letter to a loved one.
- And finally waded into the "NZ flag debate" by reading the following links and then designed our own flag to represent our country. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_flag_debate, http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11193964)
Whew!!! It's been a busy week so far with more planned to come!
It was fun learning about Kupe, Captain Cook and
Abel Tasman.
It was fun learning about Kupe, Captain Cook and
Abel Tasman.
I loved writing about traveling on Captain Cooks ship and thought it was really interesting finding out about all the famous New Zealand history makers!
It was really interesting learning about NZ history. Abel Tasman is a very interesting person! :)
I enjoyed drawing the flags. And learning about Kupe, Captain Cook and Abel Tasman.
I liked learning about Kupe, Captain Cook and Abel Tasman. My favourite one we learnt about was Captain Cook. They are all interesting still.
I don't want the NZ flag to be changed :)
By Sophie
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