Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Syndicate Assembly Wk9

·      Sport
*The ASB Girls Soccer Tournament is to be held on Thursday in week 10. Mr. McMillan will be finalizing the teams this week.

*Muritai School will have some stackers competing at ‘The New Zealand Sport Stacking Championships’ held in Palmerston North on Saturday 15thSeptember.

There is a tennis tournament next term for boys and girls.  Mr. McMillan would like to see anyone who is interested and has had tennis coaching or plays for a club.

Touch notices need to go to the office.  They need to be by this Friday.  No form No play!

·      Maths
*The Y5/6 ‘Mathswell’ competition team had a great time last Thursday evening at Berhampore School in Wellington.  It was a really tough competition.  Well done Lauren, Mia TB, Max W, Monty D, Lucy C and Liam F for your efforts.

·      Artsplash Choir
*The Y4-6 Artsplash choir are going to Wellington, on Wednesday, for arehearsal at the Michael Fowler Centre.  They will leave at approx.10.00am (rehearsal @ 11.30am) and return to school at approx. 2.00pm.  The concert is at 7.45pm on Wednesday night.

·      Production
This is the final week of preparation so make sure you:
-have all of your costume sorted and at school in a named bag
-continue to cooperate to ensure maximum concentration during practices.
-read the notice (email) that will come out this week about times and places

·      Behaviour expectations
It is so important to be ‘better than our best’ when there are relievers in the classroom.

·      Book work
We expect that bookwork be done to a high standard.  You need to have ‘PRIDE’ in all of the work you do.

·      Homework
*Room 11, 12 and 13 will begin the new homework this week.  It is a NEW and improved version of homework and it includes – Reading, Spelling, Mathletics, a relevant activity and ‘Extra for Experts’.  All of the required homework is due in by Friday.  

·      Welcome Felix!
*Felix has started today in Room 11.  Welcome to Muritai School Felix!!

·      REMINDER about Mathletics: 
* Free Parent Access!
You can register for free parent access so you can view your child’s progress and certificates.  Visit www.mathletics.co.nz/parent Fill in the required fields and submit Record your new username and password.  Each student’s Mathletics account holds information relating to individual results and progress.
Please ensure that your child is the only one to access and use their account.

·      4 C’s:
* Last week’s goal was ‘Co-operation’.  It was great to see most of the students co-operate with each other and teachers through production preparation.  This week’s goal is to use Common Sense  - things that are ‘normal around our school’ e.g. walking in the corridors, picking up rubbish (even if it’s not yours), letting others through the door ways, looking after your own property and respecting others’ property etc.

1 comment:

Theo said...