Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday 8th April

Today we shared some of our diversity inquires and they were really good. Then we did our self assessments and then started sharing again. That took ages, but it was entertaining and then we all had maths I had to learn about exponents and square roots and I did, and after we did some fast facts and then had morning tea.

After morning tea we went and saw our buddies and we had a maori lesson with our buddies and then went to lunch.

After lunch we went out for a game with room22 and room23 it was a really great game. Then we did our duties, handed out the care certificates and went home.


Room 3 said...

To Room 21
What a busy class you are. You have done some great work and room 2 are looking forward to coming over next week for a visit.
from Mrs Buckley

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