Monday 9th March
Today we started of with some accuracy, we learnt about past, present and future tenses. As a class we had to decide whether the words displayed were past, present and future tense. We then had to copy out a paragraph about the rugby, which we had to change to past tense. I think it has helped a lot of us realize were we’re making our mistakes and how to fix them, it has helped me a lot because I often make the same mistake.
We then had maths. I am in Mr. Chadwick’s math’s class were we are learning about the perimeters, areas, radiuses and diameters of a circle. Today we had a particularly hard sheet, but in the end I think all of us understood it. I used to not understand measuring a circle but after today I learnt lots about it.
After morning tea we had literacy were we did another sheet on accuracy were we had to circle the present tenses and fill in the gaps by changing the words from present to past. We then had to think about the start of our latest explanation about a machine that does our homework for us. We then got into groups to do a many inquiry on energy. We went to the lab to research our topic. The point of this activity is to give us an awareness on our three week inquiry think this was a very good idea because almost everyone is having trouble with their inquiry.
After lunch we had to do silent reading. After that we had to discuss our inquiry and how to gain levels. It has helped lots of people get a better understanding of what they have to do and how to do it.
We then went out for a game of dodge ball with room 22 and 23we played year 8s vs. year 7s. this taught us many things including sportsmanship and ball skills.
Finally we did our duties and went home.
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