Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Monday, March 31, 2014


Congratulations to all those who played touch this term. 

Muritai United - The Champions

Muritai Glory and Wanderers in action

Syndicate Assembly Week 9

Peer Mediators
·      A following students have been selected to begin ‘Peer Mediator’ training:
Luca Campbell
Noah Stock
Theo Jones
Kai Ferrier
Abigail Brownsword
Charlotte McFarlane
Yasmin Kerr
Samantha Woolley
Georgia Alexander
Tessa Treadwell-Burke
Auriel Lewis
Georgie Allan
Tilly Potter
Katie Beevers
Evie Richardson
Mia Lowe

*More students will be added to the Peer Mediator programme throughout the year

“No news is good news”
·      Things have real y improved in the playground.  Keep up the good work!

Charity group
·      We are continuing to collect Jackets and shoes…more shoes needed.

Y5/6 Boys cricket
·      Trainings this week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and game against Our Lady of the Rosary on Thursday @ 9.30am @ Muritai School

Touch Rugby
·      Final games were played on Friday.  The results are as follows:
Muritai United won 22-0 (won the grade)…CONGRATS!!!
Muritai Glory lost 2-4

Muritai Wanderers lost 2-5

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Living above the line.

Living below the line is when someone only thinks about themselves. When we think of our people first and/or go out of our way to do something for someone else then we are 'living above the line'. What are you going to do to show that you can 'Live Above the Line'?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Syndicate Assembly Week 8

Peer Mediators
·      Collect your Peer Mediator application form from Mr. McKay (Y6’s only)

Y5/6 Central Zone Swim team
·      Meeting in Room 16 on Tuesday at morning tea
·      Central Zone swimming competition is on Wednesday 26th March

Cross Country
·      2013 CZ representatives to train with Mr. McKay. 
·      More students will be added to Mr. McKay’s training group

Road Patrollers
·      Make sure you are on time to your duty.  If you are not able to do your duty let Mr. McKay know OR find someone to cover your duty.

Art Mural
·      The art mural continues to be worked on

·      Congratulations to the ‘Netherlands’ team for wining the recent football tournament.
·      The next football tournament is scheduled for next term.

Eastbourne Games and Weetbix Tri
·      Congratulations to everyone who competed in the Eastbourne Games and Weetbix Triathlon over the weekend

·      Boys (2nd IX) cricket team practice today.  The game is scheduled for Thursday at Te Whiti Park.

·      The ‘Jacket and Shoe’ drive has begun.  Check to see what you have at home, ask your parents if you can donate and then bring those things in.  Take all items to Room 14.

Library Awards
·      Congratulations to Georgie Allan (who won the silver library award) and Samantha Woolley (who won the bronze library award).
·      Y5’s will be able to do the library awards from next week.


It is time to step up and make some improvements.  The ‘Muritai School Values’ illustrate what it means to be a FANTASTIC Muritai School student.  These values include: Respect, Curiosity, Integrity, Self-confidence, Kindness, Excellence, Commitment and Resilience.    The two values that need some work through the next few weeks are Kindness and Respect.      

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

So far this week...

Having had an amazing camp experience the students have been back in the class for 2 days and so far they have:

  1. Researched more information about 3 explorers that all "discovered" NZ; Kupe, Abel Tasman and Captain Cook.
  2. Pretended to be a crew member on board one of the explorers boats/waka and written a letter to loved ones back home.
  3. Explored what it means to be a New Zealander.
  4. Started streamed Maths classes.
  5. Replied to another students letter to a loved one.
  6. And finally waded into the "NZ flag debate" by reading the following links and then designed our own flag to represent our country. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_flag_debatehttp://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11193964)

Whew!!! It's been a busy week so far with more planned to come!

Syndicate Assembly Week 6

Maths classes
·      Maths cross grouping classes will begin on Tuesday

·      Kapa Haka for all classes
·      Extension Kapa Haka group for those who are interested in performance
·      Syndicate SPARKS – these include: Sport, Visual Art, Drama, Science and Technology and ICT

Y4-8 Swimming Sports
·      This is to be held on Thursday at Huia Pool from 12pm – 2.30pm
FY5/6 Football Tournament
·      This will now go ahead next Wednesday.  There will be 3 teams representing Muritai School: Y6 Boys, Y6 Girls and Y5 boys team.  The Y5 boys will need to trial at lunchtime today

Boys Cricket
·      Training sessions to resume this week.  Keep an eye on the notices each morning for training days and times

·      The Y5 & 6’s will be organizing the ‘Jacket Drive’ again this year.  If you have any jackets, sweatshirts (including hoodies) and shoes that you no longer need, they would be greatly appreciated.

Ball games
·      Ball games that involve kicking need to be played on the field and NOT on the court areas.

Art Mural
·      Ms. Berry will be selecting a small team (6 students) to work on a ‘Mural’. If interested see Ms. Berry today.

Lost Property from camp
·      There is a lot of lost property from camp.  This will be brought around to each class today.