Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Syndicate Assembly Week 4

·      Everyone did a great job on Friday when the earthquake hit during the school assembly.  Everyone remained calm, got into the ‘turtle’ and listened for instructions.  

·      Y5/6 Girls and Boys CZ Hockey Teams have been announced and a notice is gong home today.  The Boys’ team practice will be on Wednesday @ 1pm and the Girls’ team practice will be on Thursday @ 1pm.
·      ASB Girls Soccer Festival permission slips are to be returned to Mr. McMillan ASAP.
·      Speeches are to be completed and practiced this week.  Students will be expected to present their speech to their class next week.  Make sure you have a copy of the speech at school so that you can practice it during writing sessions.

Wearable Art
·      Most students have made their mask and they look FANTASTIC.  Students need to start creating their wearable art next week, if not already.

Homework Club
·      Mr. Chadwick will be running a homework club each Wednesday from 3pm till 4.30pm.  The focus for the homework club will be speech preparation, wearable art and inquiry learning.  It will begin this Wednesday and will run for three consecutive Wednesday’s. 

Citizenship (C.A.R.E)
·      ‘Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua’
 Care for the land, care for the people, go forward

There have been issues, recently, at morning tea and lunchtime where students have been playing games e.g. soccer and the people have been ending up frustrated, upset or annoyed.  It is important to remember the whakatauki (proverb) that reminds us of our responsibility to be ‘good citizens’ and to care for each other.  You need to be more considerate of others, especially those that are younger.   This is the week of the ‘Citizenship award’. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Bling Bling!

What an action packed week making Wearable Arts masks has been. After much work the final touches have been added and now they have pride of place on room 13's wall. Check out the fantastic finished masks that add some extra bling to our classroom!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Making a maskly mess!

This week room 13 has continued the hard work on our masks. We have shaped our masks with cardboard, paper and tape and paper mâchéing over the top. We are painting them and adding any bling to create an amazing finished piece.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The faces behind the masks!

This week room 13 has been focussing on our wearable arts masks. We have finished designing them and have moved onto our construction phase. This has involved shaping our masks with cardboard, paper and tape and paper mâchéing over the top. The masks are really starting to look good and I can't wait till we get to painting them.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Syndicate Assembly Week 2

Speeches and Wearable Art
Remember to keep up with all of your work throughout the next few weeks.  The ‘timeline’ has been emailed to all families and is also on the class blogs.

Hockey – Mr. McMillan is taking names for all Y5 & Y6 girls and boys who are interested in playing in the Central Zone Hockey tournament which is in Week 8
Netball – The Central Zone netball tournament is next week (Week 3).  4 teams will represent Muritai at the tournament: 2 Year 6 teams, 1 Year 5 team and 1 boy’s team.
Cricket – Mr. McMillan will be running a few training sessions later in the term in preparation for games in Term 4

Homework Club
Mr. Chadwick will be holding a ‘Homework Club’ each Wednesday afternoon from 3pm-4.30pm, beginning next week

Mask Making
Some reminders about your mask making.  There are 3 simple steps:
1.     Design
2.     Construct
3.     Decorate
*If you need any help with ideas for your mask see Ms. Berry

We expect a high level of responsibility from everyone.  There is a lot happening this term and we expect all students to ‘step up’ and take responsibility for their assignments.  If you need help/support let us know.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Oh no! What do I have to wear?

This week has been a very busy first week back with all the students now started with their inquiry, wearable arts and speeches.

Speeches are well underway with students all having chosen a topic, researched information and started the difficult task of writing it.

Our big Inquiry unit is underway with students using their laptop time to create a title page and finding photos to inspire costume ideas.

Wearable arts themes have been chosen and masks/costumes are now starting to be designed. To help the students think about how costumes could be made and how materials can be attached or linked to each other we held a costume challenge. The students had to work together in groups to create a wearable artwork out of the materials provided. See the results below: