(The past 2 weeks)
It has been a full on first two weeks of term with the students settling in well.
· Last week was testing week and early indications from the results is that; overall, the students have done really well.
· There was a trip to Wellington to see the NZSO and by all accounts it was very enjoyable.
· The Y5/6 Touch Rugby team updates from Friday nights matches are on the Muritai Sports blog
(The next 2 weeks)
*The Muritai School Y4-8 Athletics will be on Monday 5th November
(pp. Monday 12th November)
*Y5/6 CZ Cricket tournament is on Tuesday (pp. Thursday)
*Muritai School Triathlon Squad
· There will be a meeting in Room 12 with Mr. McKay @ each Tuesday lunchtime
*Touch rugby draw is posted on the Muritai Sports blog for the first 5 weeks.
· This week is the first full week where each class in the Y5/6 team will get to use the NEW iPads. It is exciting to have this new technology and it will be great to use these tools in our teaching and learning
· There are few students who will need to catch up on some of the testing that they missed last week.
· Next week we will have a nutritionist, Marie Walters (Food For Thought) working with each class.
*EOTC week
· There will be a ‘paper copy’ of the EOTC week outline sent home today. We need the permission and help slip returned ASAP so that we can continue to make preparations for the week.
· ‘Passport to success’ – It has been great to see the students working towards the CARE certificates. The students have another 6 weeks to ensure they have all 4 certificates.
· Ms. Berry will be sending home a newsletter about the overnight stay, which is on the Thursday of EOTC week.
· In the library on Wednesday lunchtimes the Year 6 librarians will be reading picture books.
· There are lots of NEW books to read!
· Check out the cool stuff on the library blog, especially the links to some websites.
· There are a few events where we need some parent support:
Tuesday 20th November, 2012, 9.15am – 2.20pm @ Hutt Rec
EOTC Week: Triathlon, Adrenalin forest, Amazing race and Days Bay day
Class Blogs
The class blogs are a great way for you to capture a ‘glimpse’ of what is gong on in/outside of the classroom. We encourage you to visit often! We would also like to see the students commenting on the posts that are made, as it is a great way for the students to reflect.
Stationery Check
Many students are still missing pens, pencils and rulers and have also filled up their books. These are necessary for everyday class work. Can you please ask your child if they need any items and replace them.
Sun Hats & Drink Bottles
It’s term 4 and each child needs a hat to wear everyday outside. It needs to be a wide brimmed hat, not a cap and ideally should be left at school in their desk for easy access. Thank you to those students who have remembered. Students not wearing hats have to stay in the shade area by the junior rooms. It is also recommended the children have their own named drink bottle at school. As the days get warmer it’s important they are fully hydrated.