Hi all, welcome to room 13's learning log. This site has been established to provide a log of the learning experiences that occur in the classroom and as another communication tool between home and school.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday 31st March
Today we finished off some work in the morning. Then after maths and morning tea we finished off our crime scene reports, then we went to the lab to continue work on our Wikis. after lunch we watched Bend it like Beckham because it relates to our current topic 'diversity'. Today was fantastic and the movie was great.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thursday 27th March
Today before maths we worked some more on the class garden. Then after morning tea we found out more about our crime scene report. After lunch we looked at our inquiry and when we had to hand it in. Today was a great day and the garden is looking better already despite the "enthusiasim" yesterday
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wednesday 26 March
After a fantastic easter weekend the years 5 to 8 went to swimming sports and had a great time. We all tried our best, Room 21 won the class relay, graciously beating the other year 7 and 8 classes. After the swimming sports our class started to design and clear out the space that we will be using for our classroom garden project. We wanted to create a space behind the school where we can have quiet spaces where we can go to reflect.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thursday 20th March
Today we watched a movie about a burglar who stole two Maori clubs. We searched the museum, asked witnesses questions and saw clues. We then wrote an introduction and a short paragraph to begin with. We were supposed to pretend we were writing for a news paper. After lunch we did our arts rotation. It was a fun day.
Nana and Kirsten.
Nana and Kirsten.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wednesday 19th March
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tuesday 18th March
Today has been very full, we have had lots of fun though. We started off in the morning by writing our Harris Burdick narratives. We had lots of great descriptive ones and a few of the students in the class shared their stories. Afterwards we had maths. We had morning tea, then when we got back in the class we read silently for about 10 to 15 minutes. We then did literacy, Mr Chadwick gave us a story written by a boy called Robert. It was about Wood Pigeons. We highlighted the bits we liked and then wrote them down on a mini whiteboard. Then the whole class, including Mr Chadwick wrote a criteria for success for our reports. After that we went to the library to return books and get new ones out. There we met with our buddy class and played a game. After lunch we did inquiry and then played a game against Room 22.
Nana and Kirsten.
Nana and Kirsten.
Monday 17th March

This afternoon we went on two websites. One was about a Victorian robot invented in 1893, it was a site written by Paul Guinan. We went on another website which was a website that asked a question, Was there really a Holocaust?. It was written by Dr. E.R. Fields. We explored both websites and tried to find out four questions about the websites. The questions were,
What is the message of these sites?
Who is the author? Does the knowledge of who the author is change your perception about the website?
Is there any new learning? What are your first impressions of the sites?
We then watched a video about Year nines in London going on these websites and getting information and learning about these sites. Then a computer expert came and talked to them, and explained how the website is not safe, they were told to take a deeper look at these websites and they found out who wrote these sites. They found that a few of the sites that they had been looking at weren't true, and one of them was a racist site. The message of this was that not all sites are what they say, and before you go on a site take a deeper look at it, who it is written by, what it is about and if it's safe.
Nana and Kirsten.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tuesday 11th March
Today has been a very productive day. First thing in the morning we edited, finshed or started our amazing world record stories. This is fantastic bit of Kaio's story.
"Kaio Malama Going For Fame
Kaio Malama ten time Iron Man Champion of the world is participating in a extremely challenging event. Running through the Amazon for seven days. Then swimming through shark and piranha infested waters to Australia, and then biking around Australia twice".

While some of the children in the class stayed, about five of them left to go to the year three and four swimming sports, these were the House Captains and School Leaders.
After Morning Tea we changed classes for Maths, then we went to the library. Afterwards we played a game out side Room One. We played Bang and the winner was Kirsten. After lunch we did some silent reading, then we completed our flowers and vases of flowers. It was a very fun day today.
"Kaio Malama Going For Fame
Kaio Malama ten time Iron Man Champion of the world is participating in a extremely challenging event. Running through the Amazon for seven days. Then swimming through shark and piranha infested waters to Australia, and then biking around Australia twice".

While some of the children in the class stayed, about five of them left to go to the year three and four swimming sports, these were the House Captains and School Leaders.
After Morning Tea we changed classes for Maths, then we went to the library. Afterwards we played a game out side Room One. We played Bang and the winner was Kirsten. After lunch we did some silent reading, then we completed our flowers and vases of flowers. It was a very fun day today.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Friday 7th march
Yesterday we had our first art rotation. The things people did are as follows: dance, drama, song making, instrument making and clown school. These sessions happen around 1:30 to 2:45 and are great fun. We are going to have one activity for three weeks and then swap over to another arts group for the next three weeks and so on... We also started on our "record breaking attempts" where we have to write a report on something that we did that was amazing( made up of course). We will be working on these for the next week or so. We also had practice with patter tennis it was all great fun.
Friday 7th March
Yesterday the students of room 21's maths class participated in World Maths Day (www.worldmathsday.com) It was great to see so many enthusiastic students involved in challenging other students from around the world at basic facts. "It makes maths fun", "It's cool, fun, educational and addictive", "It's lots of fun challenging people from other countries" were some of the comments that I heard from students. Although the competition to reach 26 million right answers in 48 hours is over students can still access the site and compete against others till Sunday 16th March. ~ Mr Chadwick
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Tuesday 4th March
Today in room 21 we started off the day with an asTLe writing test. Today we also found out that our girls cricket team lost 75 to 143, bad luck girls. We also found out our scores for our maths P.A.T test. After interval we went to our maths classes. For the first time this term we went down to the Eastbourne library to get two new books to last us for the rest of the month. Every two weeks we do a book review about the latest book we have read. We also went out for a game of Pirates but no one won because Mr Chadwick called out an instrution that none of us did properly so we all got out,which was a laugh. At lunchtime we also had a underwater hockey meeting, we had about a dozen people join for the great sport. Tomorrow is going to be another great day with technicraft and kapahaka.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday 3rd March
Today most of our girls went out to Bishops Park to play another game in the Milo cricket tournament. Last time they didn't come back with a win but they had fun, this time we are hoping for a win. Today we have also done some swimming. We found out our new maths groups and have done one lesson. After that we went to the ICT lab and we have worked on our class wiki. At two o'clock the people who had signed up for the great opportunity of helping out Muritai's Enviroschools are going to Mr Eames' class to get roles for enviroschools. Throughout the past week we have started on a piece of art work. We have drawn a variety of flowers and painted a background with a vase and painted our flowers then we cut them out and arranged them on to our background then put a glue type substance that makes our flowers look alive.
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